DataTransfer – Appendix 2
Description of customer interface “Create a Dispatch List”
1. Introduction
1.1 For whom is this documentation intended?
This Appendix contains the technical information for creating a dispatch list via Swiss Post’s DataTransfer.
1.2 What information will you receive about DataTransfer?
DataTransfer Manual: Overview and functional descriptions for DataTransfer
Brief description of DataTransfer services, letters with barcode (BMB) via DataTransfer, Letter ID, “Create a Dispatch List” via DataTransfer and Parcel Post easy via SFTP, an explanation of how DataTransfer works and an illustration of the registration and test procedure. This is aimed primarily at DataTransfer decision-makers.
DataTransfer – Appendix 1: Description of DataTransfer customer interface: Parcels, Express, Solutions, letters with barcode (BMB) and Letter ID
Description of the notification structure and data to be submitted for parcels, Express, Solutions, BMB, Letter ID plus technical specifications such as input file formats and naming conventions.
DataTransfer – Appendix 2: Description of customer interface “Create a Dispatch List”
Description of the data to be submitted for “Create a Dispatch List” and overview of “Create a Dispatch List” reports.
DataTransfer – Appendix 3: Description of DataTransfer reports
Description of the contents of reports for BMB, parcels and Swiss-Express, but excluding “Create a Dispatch List”.
DataTransfer – Appendix 5: Description of the DataTransfer customer interface: EAD submission
Description of the technical information for electronic data delivery of EAD (Electronic Advance Data) for international letter mail containing goods.
1.3 Validity
The manual is updated online. Changes are set out in Section 7 in the release notes.
The old PDFs will cease to be valid with the publication of the new instructions. This page shows the current version.
1.4 Abbreviations and terms used
Abbreviation | Description |
AMP-Key | Swiss Post customer identification number |
BLN | Electronic cash on delivery (COD) |
BMB | Generic term for letters with barcode. Includes products such as Court Document Online, debt collection document, Registered domestic, Registered international, etc. |
DataTransfer | Name of service for electronically transmitting data to Swiss Post |
DL | Dispatch list |
Letter ID | Addressed and uniquely identifiable letters (with DMC) are delivered using the Letter ID provider |
Parcel Post easy | Parcel post without dispatch list |
PKZIP 2.0 | Compression standard for reducing file size. Nowadays, almost all files with the extension .zip are in PKZIP 2.0 format |
PMI | PostMail International |
PRZL | Product or additional service, e.g. Signature |
PVS | Mail processing system (Providers as per DataTransfer Manual, Section 3.1) |
T&T | Track consignments (Track & Trace) |
XSD | XML Schema Definition: For creating and verifying XML files |
1.5 Support
Post CHLtd
Support DataTransfer
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne
1.6 Test support
If you have any questions regarding consignment data simulation, please feel free to contact us. Please send your tests to the following address:
Post CH Ltd
Testsupport LS14
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne
2. Technical specification
2.1 Data submission
Data can be submitted in the following ways:
- As an e-mail attachment
- Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
- Via the Swiss Federal Sedex platform (XML only)
2.1.1 E-mail
To submit data via e-mail, you will need an e-mail account with which you can send e-mails of up to 2 MB. The e-mail attachment must be sent in base64 or uuencoded format.
Procedure for submitting data by e-mail
Prepare the data in XML format and add the file to an e-mail as an attachment. The maximum file size for submitting data via e-mail is 2 MB per submission.
So that the attached files can be uniquely identified when you submit data via e-mail, you must also specify a keyword in the body of the e-mail. If this keyword is incorrect, the e-mail (plus attachment) will be deleted. The keyword to be specified in e-mails is:
- During testing: T-770809dfu01input
- During live operation: 770809dfu01input
Note: The e-mail must only contain the keyword and the file. Any additional wording, such as automatic signatures, is not permitted.
Send the e-mail to
2.1.2 SFTP
To submit data via SFTP, you‘ll need a Swiss Post SFTP account. If you don‘t have a Swiss Post SFTP account yet, one will be opened once you have registered.
Instructions on importing data via SFTP can be found at Technical DataTransfer Support or obtained from DataTransfer Support.
2.1.3 sedex
sedex subscribers of the eSchKG domain can exchange consignment data electronically using the Swiss Confederation’s sedex platform. The existing DataTransfer services have been extended via an adapter. Registrations with the Federal Statistical Office are carried out by DataTransfer Support.
Eine Anleitung zur Datenübermittlung über sedex finden Sie unter Technische Unterstützung DataTransfer → Briefe mit Barcode.
You can find instructions on how to transmit data via Sedex at Technical DataTransfer Support→ Letters with barcode.
2.2 File formats
Files are accepted in XML (UTF-8) and ZIP (PKZIP 2.0) format.
2.2.1 Special characters in XML format
XML files must conform to XML standards in order for DataTransfer to process them. When submitting files, this means that the attribute values in XML files must not contain any unencoded special characters, such as pointed brackets (<>) or speech marks (“).
In order to send these special characters, you need to encode them using special characters that HTML will recognize.
These take the following format: &[Name];
The example shows how to encode the commercial “and” sign (“&”): Name1=»Moser & Cie.=»(Moser & Cie.)
Here is a list of special characters and the corresponding format in which they must be submitted:
Special character | Coding |
& | & |
< | < |
> | > |
“ | " |
’ | ' |
Normal umlauts may not be encoded as HTML.
There‘s an easy way to check whether your XML conforms to standards and can be processed by DataTransfer – open the file in a browser, such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. If the file does not conform to standards, an appropriate error message will be displayed.
3. Service description
3.1 “Create a Dispatch List” (delivery note) via DataTransfer
Swiss Post offers a solution for creating dispatch lists for both domestic and international addressed letter mail (postage paid items). You supply the billing data to us via DataTransfer and shortly afterwards, you get back the dispatch list in the form of a delivery note for the postal delivery.
3.1.1 Description of service
- You generate the invoicing data using a Swiss Post product list in a third-party system, and create an XML file. You transmit this data to Swiss Post in XML format via DataTransfer.
- Within minutes, you will receive back via DataTransfer the status file, the dispatch list in the form of a delivery note (see sample 5.1.2) and the wheeled container label.
- You hand the hard copy of the delivery note to Swiss Post together with the mailings.
- The delivery notes generated via DataTransfer will be saved in the “Letters dispatch list” online service. There, until the posting has taken place, it is possible to change or cancel the order. In addition, the customer-specific product list is available there for download (see Section 4.1).
3.1.2 Data transmission
Data can be transmitted in the following ways:
- As an e-mail attachment
- Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
- Via the Swiss Federal Sedex platform
Technical details are described in Section 4.1. Throughput times
Depending on the channel used for delivering the data, the throughput time for creating the delivery note (dispatch list) may be longer or shorter. For system-related reasons data transmisson always takes a few minutes. E-mail throughput times are dependent on the SMTP gateway provider, and SFTP throughput times depend on the gateway provider‘s collection frequency.
3.2 Files for “Create a Dispatch List” via DataTransfer
Naming convention
InvoiceReferenceNumber_Order number_TransferStatus.Format
Attribute | Description |
SenderID | As per DataTransfer Information Support |
Service | “VGK” |
FileType | “DATA” |
Flag | “P” = Production “T” = Test |
DateCreated | Date created in format “YYYYMMDD” |
TimeCreated | Time created in format “HHMMSS” |
InvoiceReferenceNumber (RRN) | Invoice reference number (8 digits). 9-digit RRNs must be truncated in the file name, removing the last digit. |
Order number | Individual customer Order number (maximum 14 characters – only numbers and letters permitted) |
TransferStatus | «U» |
Format | «xml» |
3.3 Documents for “Create a Dispatch List” via DataTransfer
Naming convention
InvoiceReferenceNumber_Order number.Format
Attribute | Description |
SenderID | As per DataTransfer Information Support |
Service | “VGK” |
FileType | “RWB” = Wheeled container label “STATUS” = Status report “BORDEREAUX” = Dispatch list |
Flag | “P” = Production “T” = Test |
DateCreated | Date created in format “YYYYMMDD” |
TimeCreated | Time created in format “HHMMSS” |
InvoiceReferenceNumber (RRN) | Invoice reference number (8 digits) |
Order number | Individual customer order number (maximum 8 characters – only numbers and letters permitted, e.g. period number) |
Format | “pdf” = Wheeled container label / Dispatch list “xml” = Status report |
3.4 E-mail confirmations
The content of these e-mails is always in English.
3.4.1 Receipt confirmation
Sample receipt confirmation OK
Subject: DataTransfer: Dispatch list - File Receipt SenderID 982 FileID:40770300
Text: FileID:40770300 / FileError:0
Sample receipt confirmation not OK
Subject: DataTransfer: AVZ – File Error Message SenderID:982 FileID:Aufg2
Text: FileID:Aufg2 / FileError:24 / Error codes meaning: / 24 File is not schema conform
Detailed information about error messages can be found at Technical DataTransfer support under “Create Dispatch List“ (master data).
4. Delivering Data
4.1 Product list as the basis for transmission of the declaration data via DataTransfer
The standard product list is available under the following link Technical DataTransfer Support under “Create dispatch list” (master data).
It is also possible to declare contract products via DataTransfer. These contract products are not shown in the standard product list but rather in the “customer-specific product list” according to the franking licence. You can download this customer-specific product list in the “Letters dispatch list” online service, under “Settings” (Exports tab). You can obtain the corresponding login by registering successfully at
- The product list (VGKTapis) shows all the current products, concessions and additional services offered by Swiss Post that can be listed in an electronic dispatch list.
- Most of the products (<TapisProd>) are determined uniquely by means of the “Gattung”, “Taxgruppe” and “SendGewicht” logical keys.
- The upstream and additional products (<TapisZL>) are uniquely identified through the logical key of “category”, “fee group” and “tariff band”. All valid upstream and additional services are listed for each product (<TapisProd>).
- The product list is used in the following manner:
- First of all as a database in your print optimization system, so that XML files can be generated for “Create a Dispatch List” DataTransfer.
- For each product or price modification (Swiss Post makes changes to its list products no more than once or twice a year).
4.1.1 File structure of product list
4.1.2 Description of tag logic
InfoPost \ ErstellungsDate
- Value: Date
- Description: Creation date for product list
InfoPost \ Frankierlizenz
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Franking licence of sender
TapisProd \ Gattung
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Product category
TapisProd \ GattungBez
- Value: Text
- Description: Product description in text form in the relevant language (de, fr, it and en)
TapisProd \ Taxgruppe
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Fee group number of the product
TapisProd \ TaxgruppeBez
- Value: Text
- Description: Name of the current product‘s format in text form in the relevant language (de, fr, it and en)
TapisProd \ Tarifstufe
- Value: Numeric (Specified in kilogrammes)
- Description: Valid tariff band for the product/format. The content is defined on the basis of the tariff band code (see below).
TapisProd \ CodeTarifstufe
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Manner in which tariff band determined 0 = weight 2 = none
TapisProd \ Tarif
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Cost/amount for product/service
TapisProd \ Tarif_KG
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Cost/amount per kg (price per kilogram) for product/service
TapisProd \ GueltigAb
- Value: Date
- Description: “Valid from” date for product/service. The product/service is valid from this date.
TapisProd \ GueltigBis
- Value: Date
- Description: Date of validity date for product/service. From this date the product/service is valid. If the date is blank, then it is valid
TapisProd \ BriefFormatCH
- Value: Text
- Description: Letter format for domestic products
TapisProd \ Format
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Format. Used only with the Marketing Mail Professional product.
TapisProd \ Sortierung
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Format. Used only with the Marketing Mail Professional product.
TapisProd \ Land
- Value: Numeric
- Description: Format. Used only with the Marketing Mail Professional product.
TapisProd \ TapisZL
- Value: Various
- Description: Listing of possible additional services
<Element> | Description | Property | Data type | Format (max. length) |
<VGK> | Post Form 310 or 311 | - | - | - |
<InfoQuelle> | General order information | - | - | - |
<Aufgabedatum/> | Date of form dispatch | Mandatory | Alphanumeric | yyyy-mm-dd |
<Zustelldatum/> | For the products OnTime Mail (OTM) and Expert Mail (EM), the required delivery date must be stated. | Optional | Alphanumeric | yyyy-mm-dd |
<Kostenstelle/> | Cost centre per order | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<KundenbelegFile/> | This attribute controls if the customer receipt shouldbe sent via DataTransfer (sender ID inbox). Possible values: 1 = PDF format 2 = XML format 3 = PDF and XML formats | Optional | Numeric | 1 |
<KundenbelegEmail/> | After effective sending, the customer receipt is sent to the e-mail address. | Optional | Alphanumeric | 500 |
<Kundenref/> | Customer reference (is printed on the dispatch list) | Optional | Alphanumeric | 40 |
<BestellnummerRechnung/> | Indication of the order number, e.g. order for ARIBA customers | Optional | Alphanum. | 35 |
<RWBeschriftung/> | <RWBeschriftung>/1 means: Create container address | Optional | Boolean | 1 |
<Sprache/> | Language of the form Possible values: 1 = German 2 = French 3 = Italian 4 = English | Mandatory | Numeric | 1 |
</InfoQuelle> | - | - | - | - |
<InfoPost> | Consignment identification | Min. 1 | Max. 1 | - | - |
<AuftragsnummerLetterID/> | If this is set, it is a PP franking with Letter ID | Optional | Numeric | 6 |
<SonderbewilligungNr/> | Special authorization for special consignment posting | Optional | Alphanumeric | 25 |
</InfoPost> | - | - | - | - |
<Absender> | Sender of the form (recipient of the invoice) | Min. 1 | Max. 1 | - | - |
<Frankierlizenz/> | Franking licence VGK of sender (must belong to the RRN specified below) | Optional | Alphanumeric | 8 |
<RRN/> | Invoice reference number | Mandatory | Numeric | 8 |
<KundenNr/> | Swiss Post customer identification number (AMP-Key) | Optional | Numeric | 10 |
<Name/> | Name of sender | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
</Absender> | - | - | - | - |
<Aufgeber> | Consignor data | Min. 0 | Max. 1 | - | - |
<RRN/> | Invoice reference number of consignor | Mandatory | Numeric | 8 |
<KundenNr/> | Swiss Post customer identification number (AMP-Key) | Optional | Numeric | 10 |
<Name/> | Name | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<Vorname/> | First name | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<Strasse/> | Street/PO box, street or PO box (if «Postfach» written as text) and number | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<adrZusatz/> | Address supplement | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<PLZ /> | Postal code | Optional | Numeric | 10 |
<Ort/> | Locality | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
</Aufgeber> | - | - | - | - |
<TapisProd> | Product definition according to product list | Min. 1 | - | - |
<Kostenstelle/> | Customer cost centre | Optional | Alphanumeric | 50 |
<SendAnzahl/> | Number of consignments | Mandatory | Numeric | 7 |
<SendGewicht/> | Weight/consignment in kg | Mandatory | Numeric | 999.999 |
<Gattung/> | Product category | Mandatory | Numeric | 5 |
<Taxgruppe/> | Product tax group | Mandatory | Numeric | 5 |
<Land/> | ISO country code MMP contracts only | Optional | Alphanumeric | 3 |
<Sortierung/> | Sorting code. Information on required sorting.MMP contracts only | Optional | Alphanumeric | 30 |
<Format/> | Format code. MMP contracts only | Optional | Numeric | 50 |
<Tarifstufe/> | Product tariff band in kg, format 9.999 | Optional | Numeric | 9.999 |
<TapisZL> | Upstream/additional services for product acc. to product list | Optional | - | - |
<Gattung/> | Upstream/additional service for category | Mandatory | Numeric | 5 |
<Taxgruppe/> | Upstream/additional serivce for tax group | Mandatory | Numeric | 5 |
<Tarifstufe/> | Product tariff band in kg, format 9.999 | Optional | Numeric | 9.999 |
</TapisZL> | - | - | - | - |
</TapisProd> | - | - | - | - |
</VGK> | - | - | - | - |
4.3 Description of tag logic
4.3.1 Info Source
<Aufgabedatum/> (Date of dispatch)
The date of dispatch is the date of posting. If this is not known, the transmission date of the XML file can also be stated.
The delivery date is a mandatory field if the products OnTime Mail and Expert Mail are declared in the dispatch list. The requested delivery date is expected in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
<Kostenstelle/> (Cost centre)
The <Kostenstelle/> element is of no significance for Swiss Post. The cost centre can be used on a customer-specific basis per order.
After dispatch, the customer document (order confirmation, customer receipt, customer copy) is generated and sent to the e-mail address declared in the XML file. Several e-mail addresses (separated by semicolons ;) may be given.
After posting, the customer receipt (confirmation of posting,
customer receipt, customer duplicate) is generated and sent to the inbox of the sender ID. The <Werte> attribute can be used to select the file format (pdf and/or xml).
This text is shown on the delivery note (dispatch list) and on the monthly invoice.
If ordering and invoicing via a third-party system such as ARIBA is requested, the “Invoice order number” can be specified here.
Generates according to product a label for the container/pallet.
The form is generated in the required language.
<Kundenref>Mailingversand Nr.1</Mailing>
4.3.2 InfoPost
The AuftragsnummerLetterID (order number letter ID) is used if the consignments have a Letter ID (dynamic Datamatrix Code). The same number must not be used again within one year.
If special authorization has been received from Swiss Post for certain consignment posting, this GZD/special authorization number can be indicated here.
4.3.3 Sender
Invoice reference number of the sender or bill-to-party.
The franking licence is needed:
- so that order in the “Letters dispatch list” online service may be recorded in the account of the service provider or of the sender. There the order cannot be changed or deleted.
- if contract products are declared
Important: The franking licence must belong to the specified RRN. If the franking licence is omitted, the RRN must be deposited with the consignor.
4.3.4 Consignor
The RRN (invoice reference number) of the consignor (service provider) must be stated so that the order to be recorded in the “Letters dispatch list” online service in the service provider’s and the sender’s accounts.
The elements “Name”, “First name”, “Street”, “Address addition”, “Postcode” and “Town” will only be accepted if the consignor RRN or the consignor customer number is specified.
4.3.5 TapisProd
In the <SendGewicht/> (consignment weight) element the individual weight of a consignment in kilograms is entered. This weight determines the tariff band within the Gattung/Taxgruppe (Category/Tax Group) and so the tariff too. The system calculates the total weight using the formula SendGewicht x SendAnzahl.
<Kostenstelle/> (cost centre)
The <Kostenstelle/> element is of no significance for Swiss Post. The cost centre can be used on a customer-specific basis.
Country, sorting, format
If a product with an “Individual Small Goods Letter” contract is declared, these three elements are used:
This attribute is only required for “Individual Small Goods Letter” contract products. For these products, the tariff is calculated based on an individual price and on a price per kilo. Therefore the <Land> attribute must always be stated. The contents of the <Land> attribute are the two-letter ISO country code.
You can find the ISO country code list by following this link.
The text sorting must be declared.
The “Format” value must be entered as per the value specified in the contractual agreement.
4.4 Sample XML format for product incl. additional service
The XML file shown below declares the following products:
Product | Standard letter 250 x 176 x 20 mm max. 100 g |
Service | B Mail bulk mailing B Mail standard letter |
Format | 250 × 176 × 20 mm |
Individual weight | 10 g |
Total weight | – |
Number of consignments | 10000 |
Additional service | PP franking by Swiss Post |
Product | Standard letter 250 x 176 x 20 mm max. 100 g |
Service | B Mail bulk mailing B Mail standard letter |
Format | 250 × 176 × 20 mm |
Individual weight | 20 g |
Total weight | – |
Number of consignments | 20000 |
Additional service | – |
Product | Standard letter 250 x 176 x 20 mm max. 100 g |
Service | Letter Priority Bulk Mailing Standard Europe |
Format | 130 × 80 × 5 mm |
Individual weight | 23 g |
Total weight | 11,5 kg |
Number of consignments | 500 |
Additional service | International Registered Letter |
5. Bulletins of verification “Create a Dispatch List”
5.1 Bulletins of verification “Create a Dispatch List”
(delivery note/dispatch list, wheeled container label and status report)
5.1.1 Data contents of dispatch lists (status files)
<Element> Attribute | Description | Property | Data type | Format (max. length) | Default value Data source | |
<AVZSTATUS> | - | - | - | - | - | |
<Status/> | “OK” if data validation OK “NOK” if data validation not OK | - | Alphanumeric | 3 | - | |
<Warning> | Warning messages | Min. 1 | Max.* | - | - | - | |
<Text/> | Warning text | - | Alphanumeric | 100 | - | |
<Code/> | Warning code | - | Numeric | 3 | - | |
</Warning> | - | - | - | - | - | |
<Error> | Error messages | Min. 1 | Max.* | - | - | - | |
<Text/> | Error text | - | Alphanumeric | 100 | - | |
<Code/> | Error code | - | - | Numeric | 3 | - |
</Error> | - | - | - | - | - | |
</AVZSTATUS> | - | - | - | - | - | |
5.1.2 Sample delivery note (dispatch list)
5.1.3 Sample pallet/container labelling
6. Additional publications
- DataTransfer manual “Overview and functional descriptions for DataTransfer”
- DataTransfer – Appendix 1 “Description of DataTransfer customer interface”
- DataTransfer – Appendix 3 “Description of the DataTransfer reports”
- DataTransfer – Appendix 4 “Description of the ‘Address maintenance’ customer interface”
- DataTransfer – Appendix 5 “Description of the DataTransfer customer interface: ‘EAD submission (Electronic Advance Data) submission for international letter mail containing goods (PDF, 767.2 KB)”
7. Release Notes
7.1 Neuerungen
- E-mail confirmations added and “Description of tag logic” section expanded
- Modification in XML file: Field length for the <Kundenref/> element expanded (Sec. 4.2) and “Sample delivery note for Letter ID” added (Sec. 5.1.2)
- Links updated
- Modification in XML file: new field <Zustelldatum/>
- Implementation on microsite