DataTransfer Manual

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DataTransfer Manual


    DataTransfer Manual

    1. Introduction

    1.1 For whom is this manual intended?

    This manual is aimed at Swiss Post customers who wish to use the following services:

    • DataTransfer incl. or excl. PickPost
    • Letters with barcode (BMB) via DataTransfer
    • Letter ID
    • Electronic cash on delivery (COD)
    • Court Document Online
    • Debt collection documents – print and pack
    • “Create dispatch list” via DataTransfer
    • Parcel Post easy proof of processing via SFTP

    It provides decision-making bodies and direct users of these services with important information and technical advice on submitting electronic data to Swiss Post. DataTransfer can be used to submit data for the following service groups via a single interface:

    • Parcels
    • Express
    • Solutions (VinoLog, Direct parcel posting)
    • Letters with barcodes
    • Letter ID
    • “Create dispatch list” via DataTransfer
    • Address maintenance via DataTransfer

    1.2 How is this manual structured?

    DataTransfer Manual: Overview and functional descriptions for DataTransfer

    Brief description of DataTransfer services, letters with barcode (BMB) via DataTransfer, Letter ID, “Create a Dispatch List” via DataTransfer and Parcel Post easy via SFTP, an explanation of how DataTransfer works and an illustration of the registration and test procedure. This is aimed primarily at DataTransfer decision-makers.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 1: Description of DataTransfer customer interface: Parcels, Express, Solutions, letters with barcode (BMB) and Letter ID

    Description of the notification structure and data to be submitted for parcels, Express, Solutions, BMB, Letter ID plus technical specifications such as input file formats and naming conventions.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 2: Description of customer interface “Create a Dispatch List”

    Description of the data to be submitted for “Create a Dispatch List” and overview of “Create a Dispatch List” reports.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 3: Description of DataTransfer reports

    Description of the contents of reports for BMB, parcels and Swiss-Express, but excluding “Create a Dispatch List”.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 4: Description of the “Address maintenance” customer interface

    Description of the message structure and data content and the technical specifications for address maintenance, such as the posting and return formats as well as the naming conventions.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 5: Description of the DataTransfer customer interface: EAD submission

    Description of the technical information for electronic data delivery of EAD (Electronic Advance Data) for international letter mail containing goods.

    1.3 Validity

    The manual is updated online. Changes are set out in section 6 in the release notes.

    The old PDFs will cease to be valid with the publication of the new instructions. This page shows the current version.

    1.4 Abbreviations and terms used

    Abbreviation Description
    AMP-Key Swiss Post customer identification number
    BLN Electronic cash on delivery (COD)
    BMB Generic term for letters with barcode. Includes products such as Court Document Online, debt collection document, Registered domestic, Registered international, etc.
    DataTransfer Name of service for electronically transmitting data to Swiss Post
    Dispatch list
    Letter ID Addressed and uniquely identifiable letters (with DMC) are delivered using the Letter ID provider
    LSO Waybill for letters with barcode is used by the BMB provider for posting consignments
    Parcel Post easy  Parcel post without dispatch list
    PKZIP 2.0 Compression standard for reducing file size. Nowadays, almost all files with the extension .zip are in PKZIP 2.0 format
    PMI PostMail International
    PRZL Product or additional service, e.g. Signature
    PVS Mail processing system (Providers as per DataTransfer Manual, Section 3.1)
    T&T Track consignments (Track & Trace)
    XSD XML Schema Definition: For creating and verifying XML files

    2. Service description

    2.1 DataTransfer

    DataTransfer is a system for transmitting consignment data and reports between your company and Swiss Post. Data is transferred via secure connections.

    Thanks to DataTransfer you will never lose track of your consignments after they have been dispatched. You are kept constantly informed about the current dispatch status. In addition to the consignment data, invoice data for letter mail and data about additional solutions can also be transferred.

    Letters with barcode (BMB)

    For letters and dispatch lists, DataTransfer sends you the mailing documents (LSO delivery note and delivery note/dispatch list), so you don’t need to produce them yourself. This also simplifies the acceptance process at Swiss Post. You can automatically receive the report data, which is produced daily for letters with barcode, and integrate it into your specialist application.

    Letters with Letter ID

    With the Letter ID data matrix code for bulk Swiss Post letter mailings, we support you with the targeted development of your shipping processes, from address verification to the declaration and posting, through to shipping and invoicing. We focus on the needs and requirements of our customers at all times. Performance of this task begins with the electronic transfer of dispatch data via DataTransfer. You can obtain the report data for letters with Letter ID automatically and integrate it into your specialist applications.


    Processing and delivery data is added to the address data. Various standard reports are available to enable you to carry out your own analysis of the service. So for exampleyou can ascertain when a consignment was delivered or whether any irregularities occurred while the parcel was being processed. This is important information for customer service and accounts receivable staff.

    2.1.1 System overview

    Illustration of a parcel delivery for which data is transferred via DataTransfer Business customer 1 Prepare recipient adresses and adress parcels To Swiss Post 2 Send adress data: e-mail, SFTP, Sedex 3 Mail parcel  At Swiss Post 4 Validate Data 5 Sort parcels  To Recipient 6 Deliver Parcels  Additional from Swiss Post to business customer: Status reports, delivery notes, track consignments (Track & Trace), bulletins of verification for address alignments Additional from Swiss Post to recipient: SMS, e-mail, Track consignement
    Illustration of a parcel delivery for which data is transferred via DataTransfer

    2.1.2 Data transfer

    Data can be transferred in three different ways:

    • As an e-mail attachment
    • Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
    • Via the Swiss Federal Sedex platform.

    To ensure processing runs smoothly, you should transfer the data at least 45 minutes before mailing the consignments.

    During the daily technical maintenance window of midnight to 6 a.m., DataTransfer services are subject to restrictions.

    The technical details are set out in the document ”DataTransfer – Appendix 1, Description of DataTransfer customer interface (parcels, Express, Solutions, letters with barcode (BMB) and Letter ID)”.

    2.2 PickPost

    PickPost is an alternative delivery solution/system by Swiss Post for private customers. Your recipient customers can choose from which PickPost point they would like to collect their consignments. PickPost points can be found at SBB railway stations, service station shops, car parks, distribution bases and post offices. You can offer this service to your customers by integrating PickPost into your ordering process.

    Once PickPost is integrated into your ordering process, you can independently enter new PickPost customers and a selection of the available PickPost points, including opening hours, on your own server. You can send the data required for PickPost customers and PickPost consignments in various different ways, including via DataTransfer. For advice on PickPost and how to integrate it, contact your Swiss Post customer advisor.

    2.3 Electronic cash on delivery (COD)

    With the electronic COD service, there’s no need to fill out a cash on delivery slip. You send the COD amount and any QR reference (formerly the ISR reference number) electronically via DataTransfer before you mail your consignment. The COD amount is transferred to a postal or bank account in accordance with the account information recorded by Swiss Post. To use this additional service, the necessary BLN-specific modifications must be approved by Swiss Post (address labels containing barcode, data submission via DataTransfer). Electronic COD can be used for the Parcels, VinoLog, Swiss-Express ”Moon” and letters with barcode. For more information and advice, please contact your customer advisor.

    2.4 Address maintenance

    With “Address verification with letter ID”, the deliverability of addresses is checked before consignments are sent. You will receive bulletins of verification on the quality of addresses, as well as on address standardizations and corrections.

    By accepting/implementing the bulletins of verification, you will be constantly updating the address data. If desired, you can obtain movers’ addresses in exchange for a fee. This option keeps your address databases up to date and reduces the number of undeliverable items.

    2.5 Reports

    Various DataTransfer reports are available. When you register for DataTransfer, you can decide which reports you would like to receive. You can send an e-mail to DataTransfer Support or notify your Swiss Post customer advisor at any time if you would like to stop receiving reports or wish to receive additional ones.

    The reports and data content are detailed in DataTransfer appendices 2 and 3 and on echnical DataTransfer support.

    The reports provide you with various different processing statuses that can be input into your customer system and analysed or processed in Excel format. This ensures you have access to the Track & Trace information that is relevant to you. The reports can show when consignments get lost at a particular stage of processing, which can be very helpful if enquiries have to be made.

    The reports are available the day after mailing. The data preparation for reports 1 to 8, 14 and 17 and Parcel post easy occurs once a day. Reports 151 and 161 are prepared twice a day. These reports are snapshots of the previous processing day, and are transmitted during the morning. Report 11 can be run up to four times per day with updated sorting and delivery events. Report 12, “Irregularities” can also be updated up to four times per day. It is produced and sent Monday to Friday, including public holidays. If no irregularities have occurred, an empty report is sent.

    Report heading Format Provider «Parcels» Provider «Express» Provider «Solutions»
    Report no. 1, Letters with barcode (BMB) XML und CSV
    Report no. 2, BMB and online court document XML und CSV
    Report no. 3, Parcels with no processing events XML und CSV X X
    Report no. 7, Parcels with no electronic advance notification XML und CSV X X
    Report no. 8, Returned XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003) X
    Report no. 11, Processing status (initial report) 11 additional updates during the day: from 7.45 a.m. (11_01), from 10 a.m. (11_02), from 1 p.m. (11_03), from 3.30 p.m.(11_04) XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003) X X X
    Report no. 12, Irregular processing (available only for PostPac Priority and Swiss-Express “Moon”) Requested time of delivery: from 7.45 a.m., from 10.45 a.m., from 1 p.m., from 3.30 p.m. XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003) X1 X2
    Report no. 14, Address quality and codes  XLS X X
    Report no. 15/151, Letters with barcode (BMB), all events for franking license  XML
    Report no. 16/161, BMB and court documents with electronic confirmation of receipt, all events for franking license XML
    Report no. 17, Archive data for court documents  PDF/A
    Report no. 18, Archive data for electronic return receipt  PDF/A
    Parcel Post easy proof of processing  X X X
    Report no. 19, Letter returns data (transfer only possible via SFTP)  CSV and PDF
    Report no. 20, Letter ID consignments  CSV and XLS

    1 Only available for PostPac Priority and Swiss-Express “Moon”

    Report heading  Format Provider «BMB» Provider «Letter ID»
    Report no. 1, Letters with barcode (BMB) XML and CSV X
    Report no. 2, BMB and online court document XML and CSV X
    Report no. 3, Parcels with no processing events XML and CSV
    Report no. 7, Parcels with no electronic advance notification XML and CSV
    Report no. 8, Returned XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003)
    Report no. 11, Processing status (initial report) 11 additional updates during the day: from 7.45 a.m. (11_01), from 10 a.m. (11_02), from 1 p.m. (11_03), from 3.30 p.m. (11_04) XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003)
    Report no. 12, Irregular processing (available only for PostPac Priority and Swiss-Express “Moon”) Requested time of delivery: from 7.45 a.m., from 10.45 a.m., from 1 p.m., from 3.30 p.m. XML, CSV and XLS (Excel 2003)
    Report no. 14, Address quality and codes  XLS
    Report no. 15/151, Letters with barcode (BMB), all events for franking license  XML X
    Report no. 16/161, BMB and court documents with electronic confirmation of receipt, all events for franking license  XML X
    Report no. 17, Archive data for court documents  PDF/A X
    Report no. 18, Archive data for electronic return receipt  PDF/A X
    Parcel Post easy proof of processing 
    Report no. 19, Letter returns data (transfer only possible via SFTP)  CSV and PDF X
    Report no. 20, Letter ID consignments  CSV and XLS X

    2.5.1 ”BMB processing events” (report 1)

    This report lists all processing events relating to the letters you have submitted with barcodes. It is released once a day and is made available by 9.00 a.m. at the latest. Reports for letters with barcode are described in Section 2.6.3 and below.

    2.5.2 BMB and online court documents (report 2)

    This report lists all processing events relating to the letters you have submitted with barcodes. In addition, it contains direct links to the proof of delivery of court documents. It is released once a day and is made available by 9.00 a.m. at the latest. The reports for letters with barcode are described in Section 2.6.3 and below.

    2.5.3 ”Parcels with no processing events” (report 3)  

    (suitable for checking DataTransfer quality)

    This report lists all consignments registered with DataTransfer for which no processing event (sorting and/or delivery) is yet available in core systems. As processing for PostPac Economy items usually starts the day after they are handed in for mailing and does not finish until the following night, this report is not generated for PostPac Economy and PostPac Priority items until the third day after data submission.

    2.5.4 ”Parcels with no electronic advance notification” (report 7) 

    (suitable for checking DataTransfer quality)

    This report lists all consignments for which no electronic data has been transmitted. It enables you to see whether any consignments have been handed in for mailing outside of the DataTransfer process.

    If several senders use the same franking licence or same debtor, this report is sent to all of them.

    Note: this report is intended primarily for customers with synchronized data and consignment processing (all consignments are mailed or collected at the end of the day).

    2.5.5 ”Returned” (report 8)

    This report lists all parcels for which a mailing event was transmitted during the day. It enables you to plan your returns processing. The report is sent during the evening.

    To benefit from this report, you must have your own franking licence number for returns (mail order returns) or for business reply labels (GAS), which may only be used for the return path (from the customer to you).

    2.5.6 ”Processing event” (report 11)

    The report contains all sorting and delivery events for Provider Parcels and Express and delivery events for Provider Solutions (VinoLog only).

    • Initial report 11 covers all processing events since the last initial report was created on the previous day
    • Report 11 can be produced four times per day using the most recent scanning events: Transmitted from 7.45 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.
    • You have the option of subscribing to all updates or specific updates only
    • The updates can be identified based on the different report names and can also be processed automatically.
    • All events which appear on the updates during the day are listed once again the next day in a daily summary report
    • Consignments that have passed a reading station in a sorting centre. The report is your proof of mailing.
    • Consignments that have been delivered to the final recipient. For consignments with barcode, the name of the person accepting the delivery is also shown when available.
    • Consignments for which a notification has been issued, and which the recipient is going to collect from the post office.
    • Consignments that are being retained, e.g. because the recipient is away on holiday.) or
    • Consignments that have had to be redirected.
    • Consignments that have had to be repacked by Swiss Post.

    2.5.7 ”Irregularities” (report 12)

    This report is only provided for PostPac Priority and Swiss-Express ”Moon”. It lists any irregularities that have occurred during sorting in the parcel centres which might delay delivery of the consignment.

    This report is based on missing sorting events in parcel centres and/or outstanding delivery events. An irregularity does not necessarily mean that delivery will be delayed.

    A consignment may therefore be included in this report and still be delivered within the timescales specified for the service.

    • Report 12 is created four times a day on the basis of the latest scanning events. It is issued at 7.45 a.m., 10.45 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.
    • To receive this report, the sender must have supplied the relevant attribute for PostPac Priority or Swiss-Express Moon.
    • You can request to receive this report from one to four times a day free of charge.

    2.5.8 “Address quality and codes” (Report 14)

    (suitable for monitoring DataTransfer quality)

    Report 14 replaces the previous Report 9 (Incorrect addresses). The information is contained in various Excel spreadsheets.

    • In the “Codes” spreadsheet you receive daily information per franking licence on your updated quality values, and how many of your physically available parcels can be effectively sorted in parcel processing with the data you have transmitted. You also receive your daily rating on data quality, thus enabling you to react quickly to unsatisfactory quality and check data delivery or modify it accordingly.
    • The “Parcels”, “Express” and “VinoLog” spreadsheets give detailed information on incorrect addresses. The recipient addresses entered by you are checked for postal correctness. Incorrect addresses are listed in the report, but no corrections are made or suggested. This helps the sender improve the quality of addresses entered, avoid costly mail forwarding and returns, and reduce shipping delays. Complete and correct details of delivery addresses are very important to ensure smooth data processing.
    • Swiss Post offers several options for the updating and checking of addresses in Switzerland with its various Address maintenance products available either free or on subscription. More information on free downloads is available at

    2.5.9 “Letter with barcode (BMB), all events relating to franking license” (report 15/151)

    This report lists all processing events related to all letters with barcodes that have been sent with your franking license. It appears either once or twice a day as preferred, and is made available by 9.00 a.m. and/or 2 p.m. at the latest.

    2.5.10 “BMB and court documents with electronic proof of delivery, all events relating to franking license” (report 16/161)

    This report lists all processing events relating to your letters with barcode that have been sent with your franking license. In addition it contains direct links to the proof of delivery of court documents. It appears either once or twice a day as preferred, and is made available by 9.00 a.m. and/or 2 p.m. at the latest. 

    2.5.11 Archive data for court documents and registered items with electronic return receipt (Report 17 and 18)

    These reports contain all confirmations of receipt for court documents (Report 17) and electronic return receipts (Report 18) in PDF/A format with a digital signature. One file is sent for each proof of delivery. You receive the archive data after a period of 90 days following dispatch of the consignment.

    2.5.12 ”Parcel Post easy proof of processing”

    The proof of processing report lists details of all ”Parcel Post easy” consignments that have been processed by Swiss Post. This data is usually listed in the proof of processing report four working days after mailing. A proof of processing report may contain data from more than one day.

    2.5.13 Letter returns data (report 19)

    You have stored a “... with data” returns instruction in the dynamic data matrix code (Letter ID), and you would like to receive the returns data daily.

    With Report 19, the returns data are provided for download on the Swiss Post server on a daily basis. The report contains the processed returns from two days before, i.e. current date minus two days. A data (CSV) and an image file (PDF) are created daily.

    2.5.14 “Letter ID consignments“ (Report 20)

    The report is sent daily and contains the first sorting result of Letter ID consignments (with dynamic Letter ID). Details for this are described in Section 2.5.1.

    2.6 Letters with barcode (BMB) via DataTransfer

    BMB via DataTransfer makes it possible to submit consignment data electronically for letters with barcode (BMB) and other letters with consignment tracking. This includes the following products:

    • Registered (R) domestic
    • Registered (R) international
    • Court Document (old)
    • Court Document Online
    • Debt collection documents
    • A Mail Plus
    • Dispomail and Dispomail Easy
    • Electronic cash on delivery
    • Letters with contract signing and letters with ID check

    The consignment data is transmitted directly to the Swiss Post consignment tracking system (Track & Trace).

    Graphic: 1 Sender with Data (XML) via sedex, SFTP, E-mail and Gateway to the Swiss Post System  2 Delivery note/processing log via e-mail or SFTP back to sender 3 Physical mailing of item to branch  4 Delivery to 5 Recipient, Scanned data to Swiss Post System  6 Reports 1, 2, 15, 16, 17

    2.6.1 Benefits of BMB via DataTransfer

    Submitting your consignment data electronically ensures that your consignments can be tracked quickly and accurately, and removes the risk of mistakes due to manual intervention. You can send your consignment data in any order you choose. This is a major benefit for companies that are unable to specify defined ranges of consignment numbers. After you have submitted your consignment data, we make the delivery note available for you as a PDF on the SFTP or send it to you per e-mail, or we place it on the Sedex adapter for you to download. The optional daily Track & Trace consignment event reports (reports BMB) enable you to track your consignments from mailing right through to delivery.

    2.6.2 Data transfer

    Data can be submitted in the following ways:

    • As an e-mail attachment
    • Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
    • Via the Swiss Federal Sedex platform

    Technical details are described in the document ”DataTransfer – Appendix 1, Description of DataTransfer customer interface (parcels, Express, Solutions, letters with barcode (BMB) and Letter ID)”.

    2.6.3 Reports for letters with barcode (BMB)

    With BMB via DataTransfer, you can receive daily status reports in various different formats. A two-digit numeric code in the report denotes the consignment status. A report is generated daily for the different statuses. This report is available by 9 a.m. each day at the latest. Reports 15 and 16 can also be obtained twice daily if this is preferred. The second report is available by 2 p.m. at the latest.

    BMB reports 1, 2, 15, 151, 16, 161 and 17 are only available for domestic consignments.

    2.6.4 Contents of report no. 1 ”BMB processing events”

    You can find detailed information about the delivery events in the event table.

    2.6.5 Contents of report no. 2 ”BMB with electronic proof of delivery” for Court Document Online

    You can find detailed information about the delivery events in the event table.

    2.6.6 Contents of reports no. 15/151 “Letters with barcode processing events, all data concerning the franking licence”

    Report 15 contains all processing events for the consignments for your franking licence, even if no data has been submitted (e.g. due to system failures, process errors, etc.).

    2.6.7 Contents of reports no. 16/161 “Electronic confirmations of receipt of letters with barcode, all data concerning the franking licence”.

    Report 16 contains all the BMB consignment data pertaining to your franking licence, even if no data has been submitted.

    2.6.8 Contents of reports no. 17 and 18 Proof of delivery for court documents in archive format PDF/A, signed

    The PDF lists all the address data, customer-specific information (comments) and the complete confirmation of receipt.

    2.6.9 Formats and frequency

    • XML/CSV
    • Once daily, by 9 a.m.
    • Reports 15 and 16 only in XML
    • Report 17: only in PDF/A

    2.6.10 Mailing consignments

    You can hand in BMB consignments at a post office counter or business customer counter, or arrange for them to be collected. Please include both copies of the delivery note prepared by us with the consignments, giving the date of postage. If you make any changes after the data has been submitted (e.g. if you do not mail one of the consignments), please record this on the delivery note. The duplicate delivery note will be returned to you as proof of mailing. Please retain this duplicate as you will need it if you have to make a claim for damages. 

    If the delivery note is not available on time (e.g. due to a system interruption) the consignments can be sent with a replacement note (PDF, 50.4 KB).

    2.6.11 Franking

    Letters with barcodes can be sent with Letter mail easy, the IFS, WebStamp intelligent franking system or Swiss Post franking:

    2.7 Letters with Letter ID via DataTransfer

    With Letter ID your bulk business mailings are turned into an intelligent data medium. A two dimensional data matrix code ensures that even with bulk mailings you always know where each individual consignment is and when it will be delivered. Letter ID is an ideal tool to provide more control over your customer mailings, to manage returns in a targeted manner and to simplify your response management. This allows you to plan downstream activities more effectively – for example when making decisions about customer service staff allocation.

    Basic benefit

    • Unique identification of letters
    • Tracking of mail processing
    • Reliable status reports for order and consignments
    • Electronic management of returns handling
    • Generation of item-specific statistics (in preparation)
    • Space available for customer-specific information
    • Electronic link eliminates media discontinuities

    Benefit to Production and Logistics

    • Electronic management of inserts
    • Professional output control increases service quality
    • Pressure eased thanks to electronically predefined returns handling
    • Generation of important results (e.g. machine-readability) for targeted process optimization
    • Increased cost transparency thanks to invoicing which is compatible with processing (e.g. cost centre invoicing)
    • Avoid returns

    Benefit to Marketing and Sales

    • Increased planning reliability for managing downstream activities (Call Centre, Customer Service, Sales, mailings, etc.)
    • Management of promotional inserts, coupons, vouchers, etc. at consignment level
    • Use of data readings for cross-media implementation, e.g. via pay desk system or apps. (competitions, campaigns, etc.)
    • Reduce coverage wastage and keep address master data up to date
    The following diagram illustrates the Post process with Letter ID. Registered business customer Before dispatch, compare the addresses with the Swiss Post reference files, reference data Sender Electronic link with My Post Business and/or DataTransfer Sorting centre Track consignments: – Identify letters – Track consignments during processing – Status reports for order and sorting – Item-specific evaluations (in preparation) Delivery Recipient Recipient unknown Returns centre Electronic management of returns handling through instruction Disposal  Adressdata CSV File to sender
    The illustration shows the Swiss Post process with Letter ID.

    2.7.1 Reports “Letter ID consignments” report

    The report is sent daily and contains the first sorting result of Letter ID consignments.

    The report is triggered by Swiss Post making available and preparing the first sorting events (generally by 9 a.m., otherwise by 10 a.m. at the latest, on weekdays).

    Reporting on the following events is possible:

    • Consignment in delivery, including expected delivery date
    • Return

    Possible formats

    CSV and XLS

    2.8 Notification service by e-mail

    You can notify the recipient of the processing status of a consignment in advance by e-mail. Alternatively, you can order a delivery confirmation for each consignment,receiving immediate notification of the delivery status of your mailings. The notification service is available for consignments in the Parcels, Express and Solutions service groups (without“delivery information” in the case of VinoLog only) and for letters with contract signing and letters with ID check. Here you have the choice of different services. Notification services are free of charge. Your customer advisor will be happy to help you. Information on the content of e-mail messages, costs and guidelines on free text can be found on the home page Please ensure that the sender’s name is provided in the notification services. These details will be automatically taken from the respective DataTransfer customer file information in the “Customer” → “Name1” sender element.

    2.9 “Create dispatch lists” via DataTransfer 

    (for addressed letter mail)

    With “Create dispatch list”, Swiss Post is able to offer a common solution for the creation of dispatch lists for both domestic and international addressed letter mail (PP mailings). These are invoiced by Swiss Post directly with Letter mail easy. You send us the invoicing data via DataTransfer and we send you the dispatch list for your consignments a short time later. Letters with Letter ID (Section 2.7) are always declared using a dispatch list. Letters with barcode (Section 2.6) are invoiced directly by Swiss Post with Letter mail easy.

    2.9.1 Description of service

    1. You generate the invoicing data using a Swiss Post product list in a third-party system, and create an XML file. You transmit this data to Swiss Post in XML format via DataTransfer.
    2. Within minutes, you receive a status file, a dispatch list and a wheeled container label via DataTransfer.
    3. You then hand the hard copy of the dispatch list to Swiss Post together with the items you are posting.
    4. The dispatch lists generated via DataTransfer are also stored in the online service “Letters dispatch list” (from where they can be cancelled the same day).
    Registered business customer 1 Sender with 2 Data (XML) via sedex, SFTP, E-mail and Gateway to the Swiss Post System 3 Dispatch list (PDF) & trolley labels (PDF) via e-mail/SFTP to 1 Sender 4 Physical mailing of item to branch

    2.9.2 Data transfer

    Data can be submitted in the following ways:

    • As an e-mail attachment
    • Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
    • Via the Swiss Federal Sedex platform. Throughput times

    The throughput time for creating a dispatch list or delivery note for BMB may vary depending on the method used to submit data. For system-related reasons, data transmission always takes a few minutes. E-mail throughput times are dependent on the SMTP gateway provider, and SFTP throughput times depend on the gateway provider’s collection frequency. Technical specifications of “Create dispatch list”

    Technical specifications on data transfer in respect of “Create dispatch list” can be found in the document entitled, “DataTransfer – Appendix 2, Description of the ‘Create dispatch list’ Customer Interface”.

    3. Registration, changes and support

    3.1 Registration

    There are predefined processes for DataTransfer registration and set-up. A test phase is always necessary before the actual start of service. This is so that the quality of the input data can be assessed and applies to all customers except those who elect to receive only the “Parcel Post easy proof of processing” report via SFTP.

    Master data required for registration

    • KDP number
    • Name of client
    • Franking licence number
    • Account number
    • Invoice reference number (for dispatch list only).

    This information forms part of the registration process. Your customer advisor will be happy to help you complete the registration documents. The DataTransfer support team will assign you a sender ID based on this data.

    If you use a mail processing system (PVS) approved by Swiss Post for use with DataTransfer, your DataTransfer service will be set up directly by the PVS provider staff responsible.

    The following mail processing systems and software solutions are approved by Swiss Post for use with DataTransfer:

    • Customer Center → Forwarding and transporting with Swiss Post
    • WebStamp → create your personalized stamp
    • ICS Identcode Systeme AG (without BMB/dispatch list)
    • Mettler Toledo (Switzerland) AG (Mailware)
    • Pitney Bowes (Switzerland) AG (Arrival)
    • Printcom (Switzerland) AG (OMR-Marker and Swiss Post module)
    • CodX Software AG (PostOffice)
    • Neopost AG (PrintMachine)
    • DeltaLogic AG (Tribuna)
    • Abraxas Juris AG (Juris)
    • Compador Technologies GmbH
    • iDPARC
    • SET (Posy)
    • BK Solution AG (eXpert)
    • eServe (BEAM and KOAM)
    • SITel (Themis)

    3.1.1 Registration process when using an approved mail processing system

    Step Description
    Registration You complete the DataTransfer registration form and send it directly to your contact at Swiss Post.
    Registration and integration process for debt collection documents: All information for setting up online court documents can be found in the "Debt collection documents with DataTransfer" (PDF, 932.3 KB) manual (German version).
    Registration check DataTransfer Support checks the registration form.
    Information DataTransfer Support informs you once the test phase has been successfully completed, as
    described in Section 3.1.2. It also sends you your identification and security details.
    Start of service DataTransfer Support creates and activates your customer account. You can now send data and
    receive reports straight away.

    3.1.2 Notification procedure for other PVS, software providers and for BMB, Letter ID, reports, “Create dispatch list” and “Address maintenance via DataTransfer”, via DataTransfer

    If you do not use a mail processing system that has been approved by Swiss Post for use with DataTransfer, or if you use a different software solution, the set-up process includes a test phase. This is so that the quality of the input data can be assessed.

    Step Description
    Registration  You complete the registration form and send it directly to your contact at Swiss Post. 
    Registration check  DataTransfer Support checks the registration form. 
    Test phase set-up  DataTransfer Support creates and activates a test account for you. 
    Test phase You send your data to the test account.
    Contract for “Address maintenance via DataTransfer”  In order for the “Address maintenance via DataTransfer” service to go live, you must return the signed contract to us. 
    BmB consignment simulation  If you want to receive sample reports with your own data, please send the DataTransfer delivery note in PDF format and consignment barcode images to the following address: We will simulate the consignment processing and then forward the subscription reports to you via the requested channel.
    Test phase acceptance  The data is checked and then accepted by DataTransfer Support, provided it meets the specifications. If it does not, this procedure is repeated until the data submitted is of the required quality.
    Information DataTransfer Support informs you once the test phase has been successfully completed. It also sends you your identification and security details.
    Start of service  DataTransfer Support creates and activates your customer account. You can now send data and receive reports straight away. 
    Homologation of consignments  If barcodes are newly implemented, mail samples must be provided for homologation. The addresses of the homologation units can be found in Section 4.

    3.1.3 Registration and integration process for online court documents

    All information for setting up online court documents can be found at Court Documents Online (PDF, 196.4 KB).

    3.1.4 Registration and integration process for debt collection offices

    You can find detailed information for implementing the various services for debt collection offices in the "Debt collection documents with DataTransfer" (PDF, 932.3 KB) manual (German version).

    3.1.5 Registration process for ”Parcel Post easy proof of processing” via SFTP

    If you only require the ”Parcel Post easy proof of processing” report via SFTP, and do not wish to submit any data via DataTransfer, you must have an SFTP account.

    Step Description
    Registration You complete the DataTransfer registration form, putting a cross next to ”Parcel Post easy proof of processing”. You then send the form to your Swiss Post customer advisor.
    Registration check DataTransfer Support checks the registration form.
    Information DataTransfer Support informs you that it has been received. It also sends you your identification and security details.
    Activation Swiss Post activates your customer account. You can now obtain proofs of processing via SFTP.

    3.2 Changes

    If you wish to request any changes regarding DataTransfer, e.g. subscription to new reports, please contact DataTransfer Support. The following procedure is used for changes:

    Step Description
    Request change The customer sends a change request to DataTransfer Support via e-mail.
    Change request verification DataTransfer Support checks the change request. If the change concerns the data delivery method and/or format, or a switch to a new interface version, this results in a new set-up, with a test phase if necessary.
    Change DataTransfer Support implements the change.
    Change approval Following internal testing, DataTransfer Support re-activates the system for the customer.

    3.3 Support

    Post CH Ltd
    DataTransfer Support
    Wankdorfallee 4
    3030 Bern


    3.4 Cancellation

    You can give written notice to cancel your DataTransfer subscription at any time. Cancellation will be confirmed by DataTransfer Support. On the day following the cancellation date, you will no longer be able to transfer data to Swiss Post.

    According to the DataTransfer Subscriber Conditions, if a customer repeatedly fails to observe Post’s instructions for submitting data, Swiss Post may block access for the transmission of consignment data at any time and may cancel the customer’s subscription.

    4. Reference documents and helpful links

    4.1 Registration

    You can obtain a DataTransfer registration form from your Swiss Post customer advisor or from

    4.2 Useful guides

    You will find below Technical DataTransfer support:

    More guides:

    4.3 Other useful addresses (mail processing software and software providers)

    Homologation unit for letters:

    Post CH Ltd
    Logistics Services, Operations
    Final Proof Center
    Lischmatt 40
    4621 Härkingen

    Tel: 058 667 71 20

    Homologation unit for parcels:

    Post CH Ltd
    Centre of Excellence – Packaging and Address Quality
    P.O. Box
    4620 Härkingen

    Telefon: 058 386 15 53

    5. Additional publications

    Additional information and publications on DataTransfer, BMB, PickPost, “Create dispatch list”, address maintenance and EAD – over and above the stand-alone instructions contained in DataTransfer appendices 1 to 5 – can be found at the following Swiss Post links:

    5.1 5.1 Publications on DataTransfer parcels, Express, VinoLog

    Website and factsheet on DataTransfer (PDF, 419.6 KB)

    5.2 Publications on BMB

    Publications on PickPost

    Website on PickPost

    5.4 Publications on “Create dispatch list”

    Website on franking

    5.5 Publications on address maintenance

    Website on address maintenance

    5.6 Publications on EAD (Electronic Advance Data)

    Website on accompanying documents for international shipping

    5.7 Publications on Digital Commerce API and plug-ins

    Website on EAD

    6. Release Notes

    6.1 Changes

    • Various amendments as at 1.1.2023
    • Implementation on microsite