DataTransfer – Anhang 1

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DataTransfer – Anhang 1


    DataTransfer – Anhang 1

    Description of DataTransfer: Parcels, Express, Solutions and letters with barcode BMB


    1. Introduction

    1.1 Who is this guide written for?

    This Appendix contains the technical information relating to the electronic submission of data to Swiss Post.

    DataTransfer can be used to submit data for the following service groups:

    • Parcels
    • Express
    • Solutions
    • Letters with barcode (BMB)

    1.2 What information will you receive about DataTransfer?

    DataTransfer Manual: Overview and functional descriptions for DataTransfer

    Brief description of DataTransfer services, letters with barcode (BMB) via DataTransfer, Letter ID, “Create a Dispatch List” via DataTransfer and Parcel Post easy via SFTP, an explanation of how DataTransfer works and an illustration of the registration and test procedure. This is aimed primarily at DataTransfer decision-makers.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 1: Description of DataTransfer customer interface: Parcels, Express, Solutions, letters with barcode (BMB) and Letter ID

    Description of the notification structure and data to be submitted for parcels, Express, Solutions, BMB, Letter ID plus technical specifications such as input file formats and naming conventions.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 2: Description of customer interface “Create a Dispatch List”

    Description of the data to be submitted for “Create a Dispatch List” and overview of “Create a Dispatch List” reports.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 3: Description of DataTransfer reports

    Description of the contents of reports for BMB, parcels and Swiss-Express, but excluding “Create a Dispatch List”.

    DataTransfer – Appendix 5: Description of the DataTransfer customer interface: EAD submission

    Description of the technical information for electronic data delivery of EAD (Electronic Advance Data) for international letter mail containing goods.

    1.3 Validity

    The manual is updated online. Changes are set out in section 5 in the release notes.

    The old PDFs will cease to be valid with the publication of the new instructions. This page shows the current version.

    1.4 Abbreviations and terms used

    Abbreviation Description
    AMP-Key Swiss Post customer identification number
    BLN Electronic cash on delivery (COD)
    BMB Generic term for letters with barcode. Includes products such as Court Document Online, debt collection document, Registered domestic, Registered international, etc.
    DataTransfer Name of service for electronically transmitting data to Swiss Post
    Dispatch list
    Letter ID Addressed and uniquely identifiable letters (with DMC) are delivered using the Letter ID provider
    LSO Waybill for letters with barcode is used by the BMB provider for posting consignments
    Parcel Post easy  Parcel post without dispatch list
    PKZIP 2.0 Compression standard for reducing file size. Nowadays, almost all files with the extension .zip are in PKZIP 2.0 format
    PMI PostMail International
    PRZL Product or additional service, e.g. Signature
    PVS Mail processing system (Providers as per DataTransfer Manual, Section 3.1)
    T&T Track consignments (Track & Trace)
    XSD XML Schema Definition: For creating and verifying XML files

    1.5 Support

    Post CHLtd
    Support DataTransfer
    Wankdorfallee 4
    3030 Berne


    1.6 Test support

    If you have any questions regarding consignment data simulation, please feel free to contact us. Please send your tests to the following address:

    Post CH Ltd
    Testsupport LS14
    Wankdorfallee 4
    3030 Berne


    2. Technical specification

    2.1 Data submission

    Data can be transmitted in the following ways:

    • As an e-mail attachment
    • Via a Swiss Post SFTP account
    • Via the Confederation’s sedex platform (XML only) Guidelines for preparing files can be found in Section 2.3.

    2.1.1 E-mail

    To submit data via e-mail, you will need an e-mail account with which you can send e-mails of up to 2 MB. The e-mail attachment must be sent in base64 or unencoded format.

    Procedure for submitting data by e-mail

    Prepare the data in XML format and add the file to an e-mail as an attachment. The maximum file size for submitting data via e-mail is 2 MB per submission.

    So that the attached files can be uniquely identified when you submit data via e-mail, you must also specify a keyword in the body of the e-mail. If this keyword is incorrect, the e-mail (plus attachment) will be deleted. The keyword to be specified in e-mails is:

    • In the test phase: T-770809dfu01input
    • In the productive phase: 770809dfu01input

    Note: the e-mail must only contain the keyword and the file. Any additional wording, such as automatic signatures, is not permitted.

    Send the e-mail to

    2.1.2 SFTP

    To submit data via SFTP, you‘ll need a Swiss Post SFTP account. If you don’t have a Swiss Post SFTP account yet, one will be opened once you have registered.

    Instructions on importing data via SFTP can be found at Technical DataTransfer Support or obtained from DataTransfer Support.

    2.1.3 sedex

    sedex subscribers of the eSchKG domain can exchange consignment data electronically using the Confederation’s sedex platform. The existing DataTransfer services were extended with an adapter. Registrations at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office are carried out by DataTransfer Support.

    You will find instructions for transferring data via sedex at Technical DataTransfer Support

    2.2 File formats

    formatsFiles are accepted in XML (UTF-8) and ZIP (PKZIP 2.0) format. See Section 3.1.1 for the file structure.

    2.2.1 Special characters in XML format

    XML files must conform to XML standards in order for DataTransfer to process them. When submitting files, this means that the attribute values in XML files must not contain any unencoded special characters, such as pointed brackets (<>) or speech marks («») In order to send these special characters, you need to encode them using special characters that HTML will recognize. These take the following format: &[Last name];

    The example shows how to encode the commercial “and” sign (“&”): Name1=»Moser &amp; Cie.=»(Moser & Cie.)

    Here is a list of special characters and the corresponding format in which they must be submitted:

    Special characters Coding
    & &amp;
    < &lt;
    >> &gt;>

    Normal umlauts may not be encoded as HTML.

    There’s an easy way to check whether your XML is well-formed and can be processed by DataTransfer: open the file in a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). If the files are not well-formed, a corresponding error message appears.

    2.3 Naming conventions

    2.3.1 Input file names

    The same file naming convention must be used for all transmission types (e.g. SFTP and e-mail). If you send files that do not conform to the naming convention shown below, these files will not be collected and will be automatically deleted after a specified period of time. For security reasons, you will not be notified of this. The following naming convention should therefore be strictly adhered to. Files for DataTransfer

    Naming convention


    Attribute Description
    SenderID As per Information Support
    Erstellungsdatum/-zeit Creation date/time in the format “YYYYMMDDHHMM”
    FileID Unique file number for the individual identification of each file. The same file number has to be used in the <FileID> element .
    Format “xml”


    Maximum file size of the delivery files

    The delivery file must be a maximum of 6 MB. If the file exceeds this size it will not be processed and you will receive an error message (max. filesize exceeded).

    XML schema verification using XSD

    A schema is provided to create and check the XML interface . The files submitted are checked by Swiss Post using the schema. The schema is filed as XSD (XML schema definition) and can be called up on the “DataTransfer” technical page under the “Create dispatch list” service group; Files for printing of debt collection documents

    Naming conventions for data delivery

    sedex message type 4300 Print data


    Consignment data file (xml): SenderID_Creation date/time_FileID.Format

    Example: 1984_201611281117_01010.xml

    sedex message type 4301 Print data


    Print data file (zip): (SenderID)_DD_(FileID)


    The print data file (zip) contains the following individual files (pdf): Postcode_ConsignmentNumber_Date_Time-sig.pdf

    Example: 8053_9805028622160916_20160930_141501-sig.pdf

    Max. file size

    One print file is created for each debt collection document (4 pages, PDF/A format). The PDF will be delivered in a zip file up to 50 MB in size.

    sedex message type 4302 Print data for daily mail

    DATA_(UniqueID).zip Files for enquiries and customer reactions

    File name for enquiries:


    Example: 1000_INQUIRY_Input_20211211_153022_12345.xml

    File name for receipt message:


    Example: 1000_INQUIRY_RcptMsg_20211211_153022_12345.xml

    File name for confirmation message:


    Example: 1000_INQUIRY_ConfMsg_20211211_153022_12345.xml

    3. Contenus des données de l’interface clients

    3.1 Input to DataTransfer for Parcels, Express, VinoLog and BMB

    You will receive a receipt confirmation and a processing log for each file submitted. These will both be sent to you by e-mail. The e-mail address is taken from the delivered file or, if the attribute “ConfirmEMail” is empty, taken from the registration.

    The receipt confirmation states whether the file has been successfully transmitted and could be recognized by DataTransfer. This involves validating the fields “FileID”, “SenderID” and “KDPNumber”. The file is tested for parsing capability and exact conformity with the interface schema (elements and attributes). Any errors are individually listed in the processing protocol. You can suppress receipt confirmation by specifying “SendOKMail = 1” in the file being submitted; however, if errors are identified in the file, the receipt confirmation will always be sent.

    The processing log indicates whether DataTransfer could process the data contained within the file. Any invalid records will be given an error code and an error description to help you identify the error. However, the processing log does not tell you anything about the quality of the address that has been submitted. By specifying “SendOKMail = 1” in the file, you can choose whether you want to receive the processing log if the data is OK; however, if errors are identified in the file, the log will always be sent.

    You can find examples of these two logs in Section 3.6.

    The overview table containing all error codes and their explanations can be found here Technical DataTransfer Support → Letters with barcode.

    When submitting data for letters with barcode and “Create a dispatch list”, you will also receive a delivery note in PDF format, which must be enclosed with the consignments.

    3.1.1 Data content

    The table on the following page describes the structure and contents for input files.

    Data can be input for the following service groups (providers):

    • Parcels (P)
    • Express
    • Solutions (VinoLog + Direct parcel posting)
    • Letters with barcode (BMB)

    Electronic cash on delivery can be used for the following service groups:

    • Parcels (P)
    • Express (Swiss-Express “Moon” only)
    • Solutions (VinoLog only)
    • Letters with barcode (BMB)

    The following values can be used in the “ProviderID” element to identify service groups:



    BMB (incl. Court Document Online)


    A file can contain data for more than one provider, but each provider must only occur once within the file. This means that the shipment data must be grouped per provider.

    3. Data content of customer interface

    3.1.2 Data catalogue V2.3

    <​Delivery NoteRef/>
    <​Delivery Instructions/>


    K means: optionally possible for the message from a technical
    perspective. Empty optional elements may not be delivered for
    reasons of performance.

    – Bedeutet: Nicht relevant für den Provider aus fachlicher Sicht.

    1. For each service group, it is defined whether it is mandatory (“M”) or optional (“K”) for the element/attribute to be filled with a value, or whether it is irrelevant (“–”) for the provider.
    2. Either the element “AddressType” or “POBox” must be specified.
    3. If a service has been entered in “Type”, either “Mobile” or “EMail” must be selected.
    4. For BLN, fields that are otherwise optional (O) may be mandatory (M) . Detailed explanations of the individual elements and the specific content of AdditionalData_Type and AdditionalData_ Value are provided in Section 3.5 for BLN.
    5. If a cash on delivery amount is entered in <Amount/>, <Currency/> is mandatory.
    6. These fields are relevant for BMB providers if generation of a delivery note LSO is activated as per the sender’s master data.
    7. Type is available for the services Letter with contract signing and Letter with ID check.

    3.1.3 Sample XML format for parcels and BMB

    Ein Muster-XML der Einlieferdatei für Pakete und BMB finden

    You can find sample XML for an input file for Parcels and BMB at Technical DataTransfer Support.

    3.2 Submitting data for BMB via DataTransfer

    The input data required for BMB via DataTransfer is described in detail in Section 3.1

    Once the data has been successfully submitted, you will receive the delivery note for the consignment as a PDF file. You will receive one delivery note for each consignment, so you need to declare a separate SendingID in the input file for each consignment. Print out the delivery note and attach it to the consignments. You will be sent a receipted copy as dispatch documentation, which you must show in the event of a claim for compensation. Please keep this copy.

    You will receive one delivery note for each data file. Please do not submit one file for each consignment, but the entire delivery or partial deliveries together in a single file.

    3.3 Delivering print data for debt collection documents and print data for daily mail of the debt collection offices

    You can have debt collection documents and daily mail consignments from debt collection offices prepared by Swiss Post. The data is delivered via DataTransfer.

    You can find the manual following this link (PDF, 1 MB).

    A contract is necessary for these services. For a binding quote, please contact your customer advisor or PM product support.

    3.4 Withdrawals of debt collection documents

    Debt collection documents can be withdrawn using a separate data file, “withdraw”, via SFTP or sedex from the Swiss Post process.

    You can find details on the solution in the “Instructions for debt collection documents with DataTransfer (PDF, 1 MB)”.

    3.5 Enquiries and customer reactions for letters and parcels

    Enquiries and customer reactions can be triggered with the “inquiry” file via SFTP or sedex. Submitting an “inquiry file” via SFTP or sedex triggers the enquiry or customer reaction process in the Swiss Post Contact Center.

    For enquiries, you will receive the clarification result via reports as an event / sub-event, if you specify this in the file. Reports on customer reactions are used for the internal quality improvement process but do not trigger responses to the sender.

    3.6 Submission of electronic cash on delivery (BLN) via DataTransfer

    3.6.1 Data contents for electronic BLN

    One of the DataTransfer fields for additional services (ATT_PRLZx) must contain the code 0341 so that additional information in the AdditionalINFOS segment can be evaluated.

    3.6.2 Account types defined for BLN

    BLN amounts can be credited via the following account types:

    1. discontinued
    2. QR-IBAN with QR reference (formerly the orange inpayment slip, or ISR)
    3. IBAN without reference (formerly the red inpayment slip)

    For account type 3 (IBAN without reference), only the BLN amount is needed.

    For account type 2 (QR-IBAN with QR reference), both the BLN amount and the QR reference (formerly the ISR reference number) are needed.

    3.6.3 Account type 3: IBAN without reference

    End AdditionalData
    End AdditionalINFOS


    The default value remains “NN_ESR_REFNR”. QR reference
    Excerpt from the “Swiss Implementation Guidelines QR-bill”:

    The QR reference has 27 digits and is numerical. The last digit (right) is a check digit (P). Using a check digit in the reference prevents the payer from making errors when entering the order. Modulo 10 recursive must be used to calculate the check digit. Structure of a QR reference: 99999999999999999999999999P

    More information can be found at

    3.6.4 Account type 2: QR-IBAN with QR reference

    End AdditionalData
    AdditionalData 2
    Type 2
    Value 2
    Additional End Data
    End AdditionalINFOS

    3.6.5 Example of an XML DataTransfer file for BLN

    <Envelope xmlns=””>
    <SenderName>Expediteur Test SA</SenderName>
    <Name1>Expediteur Test SA</Name1>
    <Street>Test street 11</Street>
    3.6.5 Example of an XML DataTransfer file for BLN
    <!--- Example for account type 3: IBAN without reference --->
    <Name2>Habersäcke AG</Name2>
    <AddressType Type=”0”>
    <Street>Test street 12</Street>
    18 DataTransfer – Appendix 1
    <!--- Example for account type 2: QR-IBAN with QR reference --->
    <AddressType Type=”0”>
    <Street>Stockackerstr. 79</Street>

    3.7 E-mail confirmations

      The error description for e-mails is always in English. The overview table containing all error codes and their explanations can be found on Technical DataTransfer Support.

    3.7.1 Receipt confirmation

    Sample receipt confirmation OK


    DataTransfer: File Receipt SenderID:100 FileID:2120

    Detaillierte Angaben zu den Fehlermeldungen finden Sie unter: → Technische Unterstützung DataTransfer

    Detailed information about the error messages can be found here: → Technical DataTransfer Support

    Seguendo questo link troverete informazioni dettagliate sui messagi di errore: → supporto technico DataTransfer

    Vous trouverez les informations détaillées concernant les messages d‘erreurs sous: → Assistance technique DataTransfer

    FileID:2120 – Identifier of the data file submitted

    FileError:0 – 0 = no file errors




    Sample receipt confirmation: not OK


    DataTransfer: File Error Message SenderID:100 FileID:2121


    Detaillierte Angaben zu den Fehlermeldungen finden Sie unter: → Technische Unterstützung DataTransfer

    Detailed information about the error messages can be found here: → Technical DataTransfer Support

    Seguendo questo link troverete informazioni dettagliate sui messagi di errore: → supporto technico DataTransfer

    Vous trouverez les informations détaillées concernant les messages d‘erreurs sous: → Assistance technique DataTransfer

    FileID:2121 – Identifier of the data file submitted

    FileError:6 – Error number




    Error codes meaning:

    6 A file with this FileID was already processed.– Error description in English

    3.7.2 Processing log

    Sample processing log: no errors 

    The overview table containing all error codes and their explanations can be found on Technical DataTransfer Support.


    DataTransfer: Process Protocol SenderID:100 FileID:2175 ProviderID:539ADAEE-FF18-49F8-84B8-B90232CBCC61


    Detaillierte Angaben zu den Fehlermeldungen finden Sie unter: → Technische Unterstützung DataTransfer

    Detailed information about the error messages can be found here: → DataTransfer Support

    Seguendo questo link troverete informazioni dettagliate sui messagi di errore: → supporto technico DataTransfer

    Vous trouverez les informations détaillées concernant les messages d‘erreurs sous: → Assistance technique DataTransfer

    FileID:14085 – Identifier of the data file submitted

    FileError:0 – 0 = no file errors

    OK:0 – Number of records processed

    Error:2 – Number of records not processed




    ItemID;ErrorCode;ProviderID;SendingID; ErrorDescription

    Error codes meaning: 28 Notification: Service number invalid or missing – Error description in English. A maximum of 100 invalid records plus associated error codes are listed.

    3.7.3 Error codes in the event of faulty data delivery

    An Excel list with all error codes, which may be listed in the processing protocol or in recipient confirmations, can be foundon Technical DataTransfer Support.

    3.8 List of codes

    3.8.1 Service codes

    Service <Code/> <Code/> <Code/>
    PostPac Economy (blank) (blank) (blank)
    PostPac Priority 0509 (blank) (blank)
    Sperrgut Economy 0309 (blank) (blank)
    Sperrgut Priority 0509 0309 (blank)
    PostPac Promo 0531 (blank) (blank)
    Items for the blind 0610 (blank) (blank)
    SmallPac 0933 (blank) (blank)
    SmallPac PRI 0934 (blank) (blank)
    Service <Code/> <Code/> <Code/>
    Swiss-Express “Moon” 0664 (blank) (blank)
    Bulky goods “Moon” 0664 0309 (blank)
    SameDay Afternoon / Evening 0673 (blank) (blank)
    SameDay bulky goods 0673 0309 (blank)
    Solutions (VinoLog + Direct parcel posting)
    Service <Code/> <Code/> <Code/>
    VinoLog 0520 (blank) (blank)
    Direct parcel posting 9015 (blank) (blank)
    Letters with barcode (BMB)

    There are no service codes for letters with BMB. Services are defined via the barcode. You can find the specifications for BMB barcodes (domestic and international) in the “Barcodes and data matrix codes for letters” manual under Technical DataTransfer Support.

    BLN can only be used for Registered (R) domestic mail and A or B Mail.

    3.8.2 Notification codes

    In the “Notification” element, the “Service” element has the following valid values:

    Notifications <Code/>
    Proof of mailing 1
    Delivery information 2
    Collection information 4
    Advance notice of LCS (with ID check) 103
    Advance notice of letter with ID check 111
    Reminder to recipient 32
    Handover status to sender 64
    Exchange / Return 1281
    Saturday delivery 2562

    1  This notification service can only be used in conjunction with delivery instruction ZAW3233. The ZAW3233 must be transferred in the PRZL attribute.

    2  This notification service can only be used in conjunction with the “Saturday delivery” value-added service. The “SA” value-added service (PRZL 0543) must be transferred using the “PRZL” attribute.

    3  This notification service is available only for the product with barcode 98.07.

    4  This notification service is available only for the product with barcode 98.09.

    3.8.3 Content of notification service

    More information about the notification service can be found on this page

    3.8.4 Overview of notification services

    Notification services are currently available for the following services: Parcels, Express and Solutions services.

    PostPac Economy
    Bulky goods Economy
    PostPac Priority
    Bulky goods Priority
    PostPac Promo
    Swiss-Express “Moon”
    Bulky goods “Moon”
    SameDay Afternoon / Evening
    SameDay afternoon / evening bulky goods
    Direct parcel posting
    Free text supported

    3.8.5 Value-added services / delivery instructions codes

    The following value-added services / delivery instructions may be included with the services described above. Permissible combinations are listed in the “Barcodes for business customers” manual (Parcels, Express, VinoLog) and in the “Barcodes and data matrix codes for letter mail” manual.

    Parcels (P), Express (E) and Solutions (L)

    Value-added service <Code/> Valid for
    Signature (SI) 0307 P/EK/L
    Assurance (AS) 0308 P/EK/L
    Manual processing (MAN)  0421 P/EK
    Fragile (FRA) 0310 P/EK
    Electronic cash on delivery (BLN)  0341 P/EK/L
    Personal delivery (RMP)  0322 P/EK/L
    ThermoCare Ambient (AMB) 0525 P/EK 5
    Saturday delivery  0543 P6
    LQ – Limited Quantities (dangerous goods)  0549 P/EK
    Business reply label (GAS)  0203 P/EK
    Data logger (DLOG)  3250 P/EK/L
    ThermoCare Cold 3780 P/EK5
    Delivery between 9 a.m. and 12 noon  4801 P/L
    Delivery between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.  4802 P/L
    Delivery 12 noon - 5 p.m.7 9001 P/L
    Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.7 9002 P/E/L
    Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.7 0490 P/E/L
    Delivery 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.7 0491 P/E/L
    Delivery 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m.7 0492 P/E/L
    Delivery 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.7 0493 P/E/L

    5  Only possible for PostPac Priority and Swiss-Express “Moon”

    6 Only possible for PostPac Priority

    7 Use and programming only in consultation with a Swiss Post customer advisor; service is available only in a limited number of postcode areas.

    Combination codes for Parcels and Solutions service groups

    Combination code (contains several basic and value-added services) <Code/> Valid for 
    PostPac Priority + Signature (PRI+SI) 2307 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery between 9 a.m. and 12 noon)  4805 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.)  4806 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 12 noon - 5 p.m.)9 9003 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9004 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.)9 9005 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.)9 9006 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m.)9 9007 P
    PostPac Priority (Delivery 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9008 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery between 9 a.m. and 12 noon)  4809 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.)  4810 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 12 noon - 5 p.m.)9 9009 P

    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9

    9010 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.)9 9011 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.)9 9012 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m.)9 9013 P
    PostPac Priority + Signature (Delivery 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9014 P
    Vinolog + Signature  3901 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery Sunday 9 a.m. - 12 noon)9 0486 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 9 a.m. - 12 noon)9 9016 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)9 9017 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 12 noon - 5 p.m.)9 9018 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9019 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.)9 9020 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.)9 9021 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m.)9 9022 L
    Direct parcel posting (Delivery 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9023 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature  9024 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 9 a.m. - 12 noon)9 9025 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)9 9026 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 12 noon - 5 p.m.)9 9027 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 4.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9028 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 4.30 p.m. - 6 p.m.)9 9029 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.)9 9030 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m.)9 9031 L
    Direct parcel posting + Signature (delivery 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m.)9 9032 L

    9 Use and programming only in consultation with a Swiss Post customer advisor; service is available only in a limited number of postcode areas.

    Delivery instructions  <Code/>  Valid for
    Delivery instructions

    The delivery instruction numbers can be found in the “Barcode” web service manual or obtained from your customer advisor.

    BMB service group

    Letter products are identified via the barcode. For the specification of the barcode and the valid product and value-added service combinations, please refer to the “Barcodes and datamatrix codes for letters” manual.

    Value-added service <Code/>
    Business reply label  0203
    Return receipt  0327
    Electronic return receipt (eAR)  0328
    Personal delivery  0322
    Electronic cash on delivery  0341
    A Mail Plus format surcharge (MAN)  0421
    ID check (ID+RMP)  0470
    Items for the blind  0610
    Military service  1007
    Delivery instruction 2nd attempted delivery on following Saturday10 2512
    ID check10 0470

    10  This value-added service requires a contractual agreement with Swiss Post. Please contact your customer advisor.

    5. Release Notes

    5.1 Changes

    • Update data catalogue e.g. date of delivery and inclusion of new value-added services
    • Supplement to withdrawals of debt collection documents, amendments for the Parcels and Solutions service groups and other smaller amendments.
    • Update on 1.1.2023
    • Update on 1.1.2024
    • Implementation on microsite