Barcodes and data matrix codes for letter (part 2)

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Barcodes and data matrix codes for letter (part 2)


    Barcodes and data matrix codes for letter (part 2)

    Chapter 1 to 15

    1. Purpose of this guide

    To the chapter 1

    2. Barcodes and data matrix codes for letter mail

    To the chapter 2

    3. Using shipping barcodes

    To the chapter 3

    4. Using value-added service barcodes

    To the chapter 4

    5. Using delivery instructions

    To the chapter 5

    6. Using barcodes for pallets

    To the chapter 6

    7. Using data matrix codes for letter mail

    To the chapter 7

    8. Applying barcodes and data matrix codes

    To the chapter 8

    9. Applying barcodes

    To the chapter 9

    10. Applying data matrix codes

    To the chapter 10

    11. Applying the “pro clima” label

    To the chapter 11

    12. Options for generating barcodes and data matrix codes

    To the chapter 12

    13. Posting letters with barcode

    To the chapter 13

    14. Posting PP-franked letter mail

    To the chapter 14

    15. Generating barcodes

    To the chapter 15

    16. Generating data matrix codes

    16.1 Basics


    Data matrix codes are two-dimensional, machine-readable graphical data carriers with a high data capacity.

    • They are composed of equal-sized square modules.
    • The arrays of modules along the perimeter are intended to assist reading. Two solid lines (A) form a corner (left and bottom edge of the DmC), which enables the location of the code to be determined (search aid lines). The module arrays along the perimeter on the opposite sides define the width of the module grid with an alternating pattern (B) (grid width lines).
    • The data area is enclosed by these aid elements (C). Its size may vary: depending on the intended data capacity, square data matrix codes from 10 × 10 to 144 × 144 modules as well as some rectangular formats can be produced.
    • With the ECC 200 data matrix type, the useful content data is stored redundantly at different locations in the data area. It is then re-assembled on reading. As a result, the contents can be reconstructed even if 28 percent of the code area has been contaminated or damaged.

    Quiet zones

    Quiet zones are the blank areas around the data matrix code that must be left free of any printing. This ensures that there is sufficient distance from other barcodes, text or design elements that could interfere with scanning.

    The data matrix code ECC 200

    For letter mail with the Letter ID light, Letter ID, Letter with ID check, Letter with ID check/contract signing, election and voting consignment, business reply label with 
    data matrix code, Global Response franking methods, Swiss Post uses data matrix code type ECC 200 to supplement the postage paid impression. This data matrix code can be used licence-free. The data matrix codes can be filled with the formats ASCII, C40, text, X12, EDIFACT, Base256 (in accordance with specification ISO/IEC 16022).

    Information on data matrix codes:

    Technical requirements for printing data matrix codes

    Your data matrix codes will be readable if you comply with the following

    Printer resolution

    Use a printer with a physical print resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).

    Module size

    Choose a module size of 0.5 × 0.5 mm to 0.6 × 0.6 mm.



    Quality standard

    The print quality must satisfy at least grade B according to ANSI/AIM BC11-1997.

    Note: If you use a modern laser printer to print your data matrix codes on pure white paper, they will usually meet these requirements.

    Preconditions for using the DmC with return instructions without restrictions

    The possibilities for using return instructions (Rvv) are unrestricted and do not entail surcharges, provided that the consignment and the DmC are suitable for machine processing in the returns process.

    The return instructions service is restricted for the following consignment preparations:

    • Open consignments (catalogues, newspapers, etc.)
    • Consignments with a non-standard shape and thin cards.

    Description of the restrictions:

    • In the case of return instructions 1, 3, 5, 7 (with data), you will only receive these without consignment images.
    • Only ONE return instruction may ever be in the DmC (e.g. Rvv 1) for the entire shipment.
    • In the case of Rvv 5 or 6, only ONE AMP-ID may ever be in the DmC for the entire shipment.
    • (Only) in the case of a return instruction “with data” will a surcharge of 15 centimes per return be invoiced.
    • This also applies to consignments for which a surcharge for special items has been paid.

    Processability requirements of the DmC for machine-processable consignments:

    • The DmC must be correctly populated.
    • The DmC must be suitable for machine processing for at least 95 percent of the returns of a shipment.

    Problematic consignments:

    • Consignments in window envelopes where the DmC is sliding in and out of view in the window
    • Certain creative consignments where the DmC is impaired (coloured envelopes)
    • Poly-wrapped consignments where the DmC is directly on the poly.
    • We do not recommend putting the DmC directly on the poly. Instead, put it under transparent film on an insert sheet or on the consignment.

    More information on creating, packing and addressing letters:

    Important: Before they are used for the first time, all data matrix codes you create must be homologated by Post CH Ltd. For this they are selected using special test systems and checked for readability and data integrity. If they meet all the criteria, they are then approved for operational use. This ensures that letter mailings can be processed later without problems (see “Homologation”). Swiss Post accepts no liability for mail items that cannot be processed correctly due to non-homologated, incorrect data matrix codes.

    Generating data matrix codes via the “Create postage paid impressions” online service

    You can use the “Create postage paid impressions” online service to quickly and easily create PP impressions on the Internet for the following franking types:

    • PP with the Letter ID and Letter ID light data matrix codes
    • Business reply labels

    Information on the “Create postage paid impressions” online service:


    Data matrix codes are created in compliance with the following specification:

    Type Character set Standard
    Data matrix type ECC 200 with Reed-Solomon error correction Numeric: Positions that can be used freely by the customer can be filled with alphanumeric values. ISO/ IEC 16022:2006

    16.2 Layout of data matrix codes

    Module sizes

    Please use the following dimensions, so that your data matrix codes can be reliably read:

    Key Description Dimension
    A Module size 0.5 × 0.5 mm to 0.6 × 0.6 mm
    B Quiet zones 4 × the module size, but at least 2 mm on all sides (0.5 × 0.5 mm = at least 2 mm; 0.6 × 0.6 mm = at least 2.4 mm), see ISO/IEC 16022

    Representation size

    A variable number of freely usable positions are available in the data matrix code depending on the type of data to be entered. The more information that is provided, the larger the data matrix code.

    31 Letter ID light
    20 Letter ID 18x18
    20 (Letter ID) 20 × 20
    20 (Letter ID) 22 × 22
    20 (Letter ID) 24 × 24
    20 (Letter ID) 26 × 26
    21 (Letter ID) 20 × 20
    21 (Letter ID) 22 × 22
    21 (Letter ID) 24 × 24
    21 (Letter ID) 26 × 26


    Please use the following dimensions, so that your data matrix codes can be reliably read:

    Key Description Dimension
    A Module size 0.5 × 0.5 mm to 0.6 × 0.6 mm
    B Quiet zones 4 × the module size, but at least 2 mm on all sides (0.5 × 0.5 mm = at least 2 mm; 0.6 × 0.6 mm = at least 2.4 mm), see ISO/IEC 16022

    Representation size

    A variable number of freely usable positions are available in the data matrix code depending on the type of data to be entered. The more information that is provided, the larger the data matrix code.

    16.3 Data structure of data matrix codes

    A data matrix code with static data content is used for the PP with Letter ID light franking method. It does not contain any customer-generated data. All consignments contain the same identification feature.

    16.3.1 Data matrix codes for the PP with Letter ID light

    Data matrix codes for the PP with Letter ID light franking method (static data content) have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Position 22
    Positions 23 to 30
    Position 31
    Positions 32 to 33
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36

    A data matrix code with dynamic data content is used for the PP with Letter ID franking method. It includes customer-generated data (order number, consignment number) and allows the use of a number of positions for the customer’s own purposes.

    16.3.2 Data matrix codes for the PP with Letter ID franking method

    Data matrix codes for the PP with Letter ID franking method (dynamic data content) have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Positions 32 to 33
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 88

    Letters with a data matrix code for the business reply label franking method use data matrix codes with static or dynamic data content.

    Static data matrix codes in contrast to the dynamic data matrix code do not contain any positions that can be used freely by the customer.

    16.3.3 Data matrix codes for the business reply label franking method

    Static data matrix codes for the business reply label (GAS) franking method, Global Response have the following structure:

    Positions  Number of positions  Description  Explanation
    1 to 3 3 IISO country code Fixed value “756” = Post CH Ltd
    4 to 5 2 Group unit Fixed value “80” = Domestic letter 
    6 to 7 2 Type of data matrix code Fixed value “21” = Data matrix code type 21 
    8 to 15 8 Sender invoice reference number  The invoice reference number (RRN) is assigned by Post CH Ltd. Only the first 8 digits of the 9-digit RRN are used (the ninth digit is only a check digit and is not required here). This number must be the same in each data matrix code for all consignments for one order. 
    16 to 21 6 Order number A 6-digit order number can be freely assigned and must be defined in the same way in all data matrix codes for an order. The order number is used to distinguish between different campaigns. The number must always comprise exactly 6 digits and must be greater than “000000”. 
    22 to 30 9 Consignment number Fixed value “123456789” 
    31 to 33 3 Address block function, processing product Fixed value “451” = GAS, Global Response A Mail (address block function inactive) / Fixed value “452” = GAS, Global Response B Mail (address block function inactive)
    34 to 36 3 Instructions for returns, consignment purpose/type and value-added service Fixed value “000” = Physical return to the sender as per RRN, without data 
    37 to 44 8 Address ID return address Fixed value “00000000” 
    45 to 53 9 Franking licence number The franking licence number is issued by Swiss Post and is usually composed of nine digits. The customer’s franking licence number must match the invoice reference number. Example: “123456789”. If the franking licence number has fewer than nine digits, leading zeros must be entered so that the field always has nine digits. 

    Dynamic data matrix codes for the business reply label (GAS) franking method, Global Response have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 53
    Positions 54 to 88

    Letters with a data matrix code for business reply labels for biological laboratory consignments use data matrix codes with static or dynamic data content.

    In contrast to the dynamic data matrix code, static data matrix codes do not contain a unique consignment number.

    Data matrix codes for business reply labels for biological laboratory consignments

    Static data matrix codes for business reply labels for biological laboratory consignments (GAS LAB) have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 53

    Dynamic data matrix codes for business reply labels for biological laboratory consignments (GAS LAB) have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 53

    The Letter with ID check and Letter with ID check/contract signing franking methods use data matrix codes with static or dynamic data content.

    The static data matrix code does not contain any customer-generated data.

    16.3.4 Data matrix codes for LID and LID-CS mailings

    Static data matrix codes for the “Letter with ID check” and “Letter with ID check/ contract signing” franking methods must have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Positions 32 to 33
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 37 to 44

    Dynamic data matrix codes for the “Letter with ID check” and “Letter with ID check/ contract signing” franking methods must have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Positions 32 to 33
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 88

    16.3.5 Data matrix codes for election and voting consignments for outbound route for political municipality (to citizen)

    Election and voting consignments use data matrix codes with static or dynamic data content. The content of the data matrix code cannot be freely selected and must always be agreed with Swiss Post.

    The static data matrix code does not contain any customer-generated data.

    Static data matrix codes for election and voting consignments for outbound route for political municipality (to citizen)

    Static data matrix codes for election and voting consignments (WuA) from political municipalities must have the following structure:

    Download from

    Positions Number of positions Description Content and explanation
    1 to 3 3 ISO country code Fixed value “756” = Post CH Ltd
    4 to 5 2 Group unit Fixed value “80” = Domestic letter
    6 to 7 2 Type of data matrix code Fixed value “21” = Data matrix code type 21
    8 to 15 8 Sender invoice reference number Fixed value “90909090” = Fictitious WuA invoice reference number
    16 to 21 6 Order number Fixed value “123456”
    22 to 30 9 Consignment number Fixed value “123456789”
    31 to 33 3 Address block function, processing product Fixed value “129” = Outbound route for political municipalities static code (address block function active)
    34 to 36 3 Instructions for returns, consignment purpose/type and value-added service Fixed value “000” = Physical return, without address ID, without data
    37 to 44 8 Address ID return address Fixed value “00000000”

    Static data matrix codes for election and voting consignments for outbound route for parishes (to citizen)

    Static data matrix codes for election and voting consignments voting consignments (WuA) from parishes must have the following structure:

    Positions Number of positions Description Content and explanation
    1 to 3 3 ISO country code Fixed value “756” = Post CH Ltd
    4 to 5 2 Group unit Fixed value “80” = Domestic letter
    6 to 7 2 Type of data matrix code Fixed value “21” = Data matrix code type 21
    8 to 15 8 Sender invoice reference number Fixed value “90909090” = Fictitious WuA invoice reference number
    16 to 21 6 Order number Fixed value “123456”
    22 to 30 9 Consignment number Fixed value “123456789”
    31 to 33 3 Address block function, processing product Value “126” = Outbound route for parishes for A Mail (address block function active) / Value “127” = Outbound route for parishes for B Mail, no indication if B1 or B2 (address block function active)
    34 to 36 3 Instructions for returns, consignment purpose/type and value-added service Fixed value “000” = Physical return, without address ID, without data
    37 to 44 8 Address ID return address Fixed value “00000000”

    Dynamic data matrix codes for election and voting consignments for outbound route for political municipality (to citizen)

    Dynamic data matrix codes for election and voting consignments from political municipalities must have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 4 to 5
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Positions 32 to 33
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 45 to 88

    Static data matrix codes for election and voting consignents for return route (citizens of political municipalities) without business reply label (GAS)

    Download from

    Static data matrix codes for sending election and voting consignments from political municipalities without a business reply label must have the following structure:

    Positions Number of Positions Description Content and explanation
    1 to 3 3 ISO country code Fixed value “756” = Post CH Ltd
    4 to 5 2 Group unit Fixed value “80” = Domestic letter
    6 to 7 2 Type of data matrix code Fixed value “21” = Data matrix code type 21
    8 to 15 8 Invoice reference number of the sender Fixed value “90909090” = Fictitious WuA invoice reference number
    16 to 21 6 Order number Fixed value “123456”
    22 to 30 9 Consignment number Fixed value “123456789”
    31 to 33 3 Address block function, processing product Fixed value “130” = Return route, static, without GAS (address block function active)
    34 to 36 3 Instructions for returns, consignment purpose/type and value-added service Fixed value “000” = Physical return, without address ID, without data
    37 to 44 8 Address ID return address Fixed value “00000000”
    45 to 60 16 Positions that can be used freely by the customer Fixed value “0000000000000000”

    Static data matrix codes for return route (citizens of political municipalities) with business reply label (GAS)

    Static data matrix codes for returning election and voting consignments to political municipalities with a business reply label must have the following structure:

    Positions Number of Positions Description Content and explanation
    1 to 3 3 ISO country code Fixed value “756” = Post CH Ltd
    4 to 5 2 Group unit Fixed value “80” = Domestic letter
    6 to 7 2 Type of data matrix code Fixed value “21” = Data matrix code type 21
    8 to 15 8 Invoice reference number of the sender The invoice reference number (RRN) is assigned by Post CH Ltd. Only the first 8 digits of the 9-digit RRN are used (the ninth digit is only a check digit and is not required here). This number must be the same in the data matrix code for all mailings in one order. 
    16 to 21 6 Order number Fixed value “123456”
    22 to 30 9 Consignment number Fixed value “123456789”
    31 to 33 3 Address block function, processing product Fixed value “131” = Return route, static, with GAS A Mail (address block function active) / Fixed value “132” = Return route, static, with GAS B Mail (address block function active) 
    34 to 36 3 Instructions for returns, consignment purpose/type and value-added service Fixed value “000” = Physical return, without address ID, without data
    37 to 44 8 Address ID return address Fixed value “00000000”
    45 to 53 9 Franking licence number
    The franking licence number is issued by Swiss Post and is usually composed of nine digits. The customer’s franking licence number must match the invoice reference number. Example: “123456789”. If the franking licence number has fewer than nine digits, leading zeros must be entered so that the field always has nine digits. 
    54 to 60 7 Positions that can be used freely by the customer
    Fixed value “0000000”

    Dynamic data matrix codes for return route (citizens of political municipalities) without business reply label (GAS)

    Dynamic data matrix codes for returning election and voting consignments to political municipalities without a business reply label must have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 53
    Positions 54 to 88

    Dynamic data matrix codes for return route (citizens of political municipalities) with business reply label (GAS)

    Dynamic data matrix codes for returning election and voting consignments to political municipalities with a business reply label must have the following structure:

    Positions 1 to 3
    Positions 6 to 7
    Positions 8 to 15
    Positions 16 to 21
    Positions 22 to 30
    Position 31
    Position 34
    Position 35
    Position 36
    Positions 37 to 44
    Positions 45 to 53
    Positions 54 to 88

    17. Generating barcode lists

    Generating barcode list forms

    If you generate barcodes with a software solution, there are a number of ways of generating corresponding barcode lists “21” or “23” for mailing.

    • You can use the prepared, writeable PDF forms from Post CH Ltd and complete them under script control.
    • You can use the PDF forms as a graphical background and position the entries over it.
    • You can program the complete barcode lists – analogously to the forms from Post CH Ltd – in your software solution.

    To download barcode lists, visit


    • You must observe the dimensions and positions of design elements and entries exactly in order to process your barcode lists automatically.
    • Observe the specifications when populating the barcode lists.

    Generating duplicates for shipping barcodes

    Simplified variants of the shipping barcodes, referred to as duplicate barcodes, are required for the barcode list. For these duplicates, the printing, design and population specifications of the respective shipping barcodes apply. Only the following elements are displayed:

    • (A) branch at domicile 
    • (B) the product abbreviation 
    • (C) the barcode 
    • (D) the human-readable information 
    • (E) for Letter mail easy: PP impression

    Abbreviations of product designations on duplicates

    Domestic mail
    Product designation Abbreviation on duplicate
    Registered (R) R-Inl
    A Mail Plus (A+) A Mail
    Dispomail (A) A Mail
    Debt collection documents (BU) BU
    Court documents and court documents online (GU) General contractor
    Electronic cash on delivery (BLN) BLN
    Letter with ID check/contract signing (LID-CS) CT
    Letter with ID check (LID) ID
    International mail
    Product designation Abbreviation on duplicate
    International registered mail (R) R-Etr
    Untracked U


    Important: Before they are used for the first time, all barcodes, data matrix codes and barcode lists you create must be homologated by Post CH Ltd. For this they are selected using special test systems and checked for readability and data integrity. If they meet all the criteria, they are then approved for operational use. This ensures that letter mailings can be processed later without problems (see “Homologation”). Swiss Post accepts no liability for mail items that cannot be processed correctly due to non-homologated, incorrect barcodes.

    18. Homologation

    18.1 Homologation of barcodes, data matrix codes and barcode lists

    Important: Before they are used for the first time, all barcodes, data matrix codes and barcode lists you create must be homologated by Post CH Ltd. For this they are selected using special test systems and checked for readability and data integrity. If they meet all the criteria, they are then approved for operational use. This ensures that the mail can subsequently be processed without a hitch. Homologation is free of charge. Swiss Post accepts no liability for mail items that cannot be processed correctly due to non-homologated, incorrect barcodes or data matrix codes.

    Homologation of barcodes and barcode lists

    Send five examples each of the following mail samples (in the case of envelopes, complete filled mail items) for homologation:

    • All combinations of barcodes, data matrix codes, modes of application (printed on contents, label, printed on mail item), placements, paper material, envelopes and printers that you use operationally.
    • If you subsequently change these combinations, you should have mail samples homologated again.

    If you have any questions, please contact your customer advisor.

    Send your samples to:

    Post CH Ltd
    Logistics Services, Operations
    Final Proof Center
    Lischmatt 40
    4621 Härkingen
    Tel. +41 58 667 71 20

    Homologation of data matrix codes

    Details on the process can be found in the “Final proof” specification sheet at:

    19. More information

    19.1 Contacts

    For barcodes, barcode lists and delivery instructions

    If you have any queries about the use of barcodes, barcode lists and delivery instructions, please contact your customer advisor.

    If you have any queries about homologation of barcodes and delivery instructions, please contact the following address:

    Post CH Ltd
    Logistics Services, Operations
    Final Proof Center
    Lischmatt 40
    4621 Härkingen
    Tel. +41 58 667 71 20

    For barcodes for pallets

    If you have any queries about the use of barcodes for pallets, please contact your customer advisor.

    For data matrix codes

    If you have any queries about the use of data matrix codes, please contact your customer advisor.

    If you have any queries about homologation of data matrix codes, please contact the specialists in your region for consultation on a final proof.

    Further information, address details and online contact form:

    For parcel post

    You can find detailed information on how to create barcodes for parcels at Information may be obtained from the following address:

    Post CH Ltd
    Logistics Services, Operations
    Center of Excellence – Packaging and Address Quality
    Altgraben 5
    4620 Härkingen
    Tel. 0848 888 888 (CHF 0.08/min. from landline phones within Switzerland)

    20. Release notes

    20.1 Changes

    • Implementation on microsite
    • Introduction of the “MAN” value-added service for the “A Mail Plus” product
    • Renaming “KLP” to “My Post customer portal”